Water Hyacinth Start up by Char2Cool

Char2Cool (C2C) supports people who are already doing something. Peter Bassey from Lagos found us on Facebook and contacted us. That was in April 2020. Only 3 months later, he produced his first biochar from water hyacinths.

Building instructions for the kiln, start-up capital and coaching came from C2C. After a short time, he had to hire workers. He currently has 15 employees. Young women and men. With an unemployment rate of 80% among young people in Lagos.

His popularity grew. The port authority in Lagos approached him. They have the problem that the moorings for the ferries are regularly overgrown with water hyacinths and the ferries can no longer operate. Peter received the first test order in spring 2021.

In November 2021, the 2nd order came. People train how the water hyacinths can be used. Free ferry terminals from water hyacinths.

That goes down well with people and television.

We are happy for Peter Bassey.

The only downside: C2C is not mentioned in the video.

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